Help, I have something on my foot! 

Corns and verruca are often confused, and we see both frequently in our podiatry clinic.  

There are many different types of verruca - you may just have one large one or many spread over both feet.  Typically they appear cauliflower like with little black dots on them.  They are found on feet of all ages most commonly on the soles and toes.  The virus thrives in warm damp conditions typically swimming pools and changing rooms.  



Can you tell which foot has corns and which has a verruca?


Corns are found under areas of higher pressure and appear glassy.  They tend to be painful when pushed wherer as verruca are painful when squeezed. Corns are often found when people have callus (hard skin).  

We are pleased to offer the following verruca treatments...

Verruca can be painful and cause embarresment, at Flo Paul Podiatry we have reviewed the evidence on various forms of treatment and are pleased to offer a range of options.  We will provide you with a thorough understanding of the verruca virus (Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)) and will clearly explain the treatment choices so you can make an informed decision.


We currently recommend the following treatments:


Swift Microwave therapy which offers a quick treatment that does not require anasthetic or dressings.

Please visit the Treat Verruca Website for a detailed explanation of this treatment. The recommended treatment protocol is for 3 treatments 4 weeks apart and a review after another 12 weeks (5 months from the initial treatment). The cost for this package will be £400. Individual treatments cost £150.


Immune response stimulation using Dry Needling under local anaesthesia.  Verruca can live undiected by the immune system for many years as they create an invisablity cloak around them.  The dry needling procedure introduces the virus deeper into the skin tissue so it can be detected by the immune system and eradicated.  Further details will be provided at your verruca consultation.  The cost is £335.


Practical home treatment maybe the best option for small and non painful verrucas.  There is alot of advice on the internet about different home remidies.  We will guide you through the choices which includes the use of acids and occlusion.  We may also recommend regualar removal of the hard skin that forms over the top of the verruca.  Guidence will be given as to how the verruca will respond during the treatment and when it has gone.  An intial verruca consultaion cost £45.



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